Sunday, February 14, 2016

Mental Breakdown

I don't even know where to start.

Gue sepertinya mengambil jalan yang salah. Lagi. Hmmmm sounds super stupid, I know.
Pengen nangis aja. Pengen pergi, gausah kuliah lagi. Ga usah ke MIPA lagi. Ga usah ketemu semua orang di MIPA lagi.

Katanya, amanah ga pernah salah milih pundak.
Tapi gue ragu sama pernyataan barusan.

Time will tell, but I apologize for everything, in advance.

Lalu, buat seseorang yang punggungnya selalu gue bayangkan,
I'm trying to be like you, to be as smart, as cool, as calm, as wise as you are.
I know I can't be with you, so I'm trying to be like you, then at least I will have something related, or similar to you, in me.
Before I do anything, I always ask myself, what would he do if he was in this situation? It helped me a lot actually, made me decide everything calmly.
I'm really grateful for your presence in my life, for that really short period of time we spent together, mostly you helped me, working after the mess that I made.

Terima kasih ya.

Zahra, yang tugas geoman-nya belum selesai padahal deadline-nya besok jam 08.00.